Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Whew! What a week

What a great week this is going to be. Not a lot of stress to confuse life. Share week is over, the money is earned now we just have to find the people to spend it on. Not a problem, people are calling the school and I have been on the phone a lot. That's not the most interesting thing I learned this week though.
We had a great Bastian party on Saturday. I started at 12 and got over at 1:55 on the dot. That included the cleaning of the Scout Cabin. That was good, but again, not the most interesting thing
I learned this last week. I learned that you can live with a person for thirty nine years and still not know things about them. Sure, I know what he likes to eat, that he likes to go to sleep at 5 and wake up at 5, and just because I sleep later than him he thinks I sleep too much (someday I will tell him what I think of that!) I'm still on the 8am schedule in case any of you were wondering, but, back to my story, I also know that he doesn't hang Christmas lights willingly, (once in his lifetime) but I now know that he hates my two red berry wreaths with a passion and thinks they look like weeds with berries on them. I have hung them for Christmas for at least two years and not a word, I wonder what else he hates, but there again, I just found out that he hates poinsettia's, you know the big red flowers I always buy at Christmas and hope they live until New Years. Last year I had 5, count them 5 poinsettia's and not a word from the big guy.
This year all of a sudden he has an opinion on all the Christmas decorations and most of them are just plain ugly. He does like the tree with all the accumulated ornaments from the past 39 years and he doesn't even mind that there is a space in the middle of the tree with no lights! That is no problem at all but all those red decorations are just over the top and weedy. Oh well, I just bought a new berry wreath, this one with frosty stuff on it, I did put it on the outside of the door
so he only has to see it when he comes in the front door. That's what he gets for not telling me sooner that he hated my berry wreaths. What will he hate next? Well, I will try harder to keep up with this blog so Dad and I are off, we are going to Steve's Steakhouse for dinner. Don't worry though, the government is paying for it so I plan to get steak and shrimp and a drink and dessert and probably an appetizer plate and whatever else they have available. You know how it is with the government, they can afford it!


Alisa said...

I have listened to Dr. Laura before, so I feel qualified to give you an analysis of Dad's new sense of an opionion. He has been surpressing his thoughts for a very long time now. He finally feels comfortable enough with his environment to let you know his true thoughts. This type of behavior usually starts with small opionions like his like or dislike of Christmas decortaions, but will soon blossom into more opionions about everything. So, the way I see it you have 2 choices. You can either keep him feeling comfortable and prepare yourself for more opinions, or you can somehow take him back out of his comfort zone and the opinions will stop. Good Luck. (Dr. Laura is a wealth of knowledge.)

Doris B. said...

Wow! Who knew that you were so well equipped to handle such involved and difficult problems. I know where I can turn for this kind of advice from now on. May Rusty should give you a call, I hear he wants some advice on raising children. As for dad's opinions, I think I need to somehow get him out of his comfort zone. I have to get him out of that recliner and away from that warm fire. I think that is where he gets the most comfortable. What to do, What to do. Maybe I should start giving him advice on farming. No that sounds like a total role reversal, I'm not sure I want anything that drastic. I think I'll just feed him Tuna for dinner tomorrow. That's the plan. Anybody else have a better Idea?

Brandi said...

Whatever you do, don't feed him tuna. He hates it and feeding people things that you know they hate is cruel and unusual punishment.

Rusty Bastian said...

Alisa it is scary that you know so much about how men think. If you know this much, maybe Becky does too. I am not sure I am in favor of this blog any more... This could be too powerful of a tool for our wives to collude and conspire against us.