Saturday, November 22, 2008

Is This Really A BLOG?

I know I pretend to be extremely computer literate but I'm really struggling with this blog thing. Maybe I started it a little prematurely, that is before I really knew what I was doing but I guess we will all learn together. That is if you can stay around for a while until I really get an idea on it. I do have some advice for you all though. Here it is, Trust your mother, she knows what she's doing. This whole thing will work out in the end! Things can only go up from here, I promise. Today is a crazy day, it was supposed to be the day I cleaned my bedroom good but I can see that isn't going to happen because Sherry called and we're taking food to Joanne Shaw because Arva Shaw died. Alisa called and was going to come over but she dogged me just to go and get a Christmas tree with her family, then dad came home for breakfast and reminded me that we are going to Alfredo's sons birthday party this afternoon and of course it is my week to teach Sunday School and the lesson is not in good shape yet. So, the bedroom will have to be another day. That is the problem it has been another day for quite a while now and things aren't looking up because it is Thanksgiving soon then Christmas and of course it is birthday season in between and after and Oh I am doing Share Week again this year. Yes I know I said I wasn't doing it anymore but here I am doing share week. I will give you an update on that later because I have to go now and make up a song about a toilet and get the games ready for the faculty Christmas party. Why!!!! I think I need another NO sign.
I just had a talk with Rusty and he thinks I just need to get up an hour earlier every day and I think he might be right. If that works out for me I'll let you know and you can start calling me after 7:am but don't start until I let you know for sure because the transition might take a day or two. Well, I'm off now to get busy, Olah (practicing my spanish for the birthday party)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Doris Exposed

Some say my life is an opened book, just out there for everyone to read. Up until now, however, I have kept much to myself. I have secrets, I just usually can't keep them for very long! I have a need to tell the world what's wrong, how to fix it, and how things could be better. I have been encouraged to have a blog by my six children because they think if I put all of my valuable advice on my blog I can get it all out without nagging them. Duke came right out and cheered because he is convinced that now he can just find the solutions to all his problems on this blog without having to actually listen to me( I don't really think that's why he was cheering). Someday I will tell you more about my precious family but for now just know, I have one. Anyway, I do have things to say and now I have the world at my feet! Thank you world. Remember, I'm always here for you!